Will you blurb my book?
I am open to blurbs, and you can fill out this form to send me a request.
However, I get a lot of blurb requests, so I have to be realistic about my capacity and prioritize accordingly. Here’s what you can do to increase your chances of a yes:
Contact me well before the deadline — I’m often booked up at least 6 months out, so if you send your request a couple weeks before you need the blurb, it’s gonna be a pass no matter how amazing your book sounds!
Have a specific reason why you want me to blurb — i.e. your novel has similar elements to one or more of my books, so there’s a clear overlap in our readership (not expecting you to have read all my work or anything, but you should at least be familiar with it).
Be a debut or early-career author — I remember all too well how intimidating it is to ask for blurbs when you’re first starting out, so I’ll always give priority to newer authors over more established ones. Bonus points if you’re LGBTQ+ or otherwise part of a marginalized group, cause god knows we already have more than enough straight white people in publishing!
Please note also that while I do review and consider all blurb requests, you’ll only receive a response if I’m interested in reading and able to do so before the deadline.